一个更好的2024-2025年FAFSA表格现在可用. 适用于今天! 问题? 联系 财政援助和奖学金办公室

符合条件的项目 & 星际官方赌钱


Federal regulations require a student seeking federal financial aid be enrolled in an eligible certificate or degree program.

金融援助 eligibility can be found with program descriptions. 除了参加一个合格的项目, 联邦财政援助只能用于 该学习计划所要求的星际官方赌钱.

本质上, only remedial coursework and coursework that counts towards a student’s program will be used in determining the student’s enrollment status for federal financial aid.


补救星际官方赌钱 is defined at 皮马社区学院 as coursework numbered 001-099 in Math (MAT), 阅读(意图), 写作(关于), 英语作为第二语言(ESL), 综合大学技能(ICS), 学术和批判素养(ACL). A remedial course must be taught at the high school level to be eligible for federal student aid. 星际官方赌钱 that do not meet this requirement are labeled in the schedule of classes as not eligible for federal financial aid.

  • A student may receive federal financial aid for up to 30 credits in remedial MAT, 意图, 关于, ICS, 和ACL星际官方赌钱.
  • ESL星际官方赌钱没有这样的限制, however the courses must be part of the ESL pathway and not an ESL elective


合格的星际官方赌钱 is listed in the program of study in the student’s 目录 and is needed by the student to complete the program requirements.


No, a student must be registered in a graded course that counts for credit (clock hours) toward his/her program of study. 

 Will a course be counted if that course meets a program requirement that has already been met by a previous course?

  • 这取决于
    • The course will not be counted in the federal financial calculation because the program requirement has already been satisfied by the previous course.
    • 然而, the course may be counted if the student’s program allows for elective credits and the student has room for more electives.


  • 这取决于
    • The course will not be counted in the federal financial calculation if the program requirement for electives has already been satisfied by the previous courses.
    • 然而, the course may be counted if the student’s program allows for elective credits and the student has room for more electives.


  • 这取决于
    • The course will not be counted in the federal financial calculation if the course has already met the program requirement (generally if the course grade is a ‘C’ or better).
    • 然而, the course may be counted if the student’s prior attempt didn't’t meet the program requirement and the number of attempts does not meet the federal repeat rule.


  • 这取决于
    • The course will be counted in the federal financial calculation if the course is also listed as a program requirement.
    • 然而, the course will not be counted in the federal financial calculation if the course is not listed as a program requirement and is not a remedial course.


  • If a student has met all program requirements the student is not eligible for further federal financial aid under that program of study.
  • In this scenario, the college recommends students apply for graduation.


Students have many options to determine if a course is eligible. 重要的是要知道是哪个版本的 目录 您将在下面展开,并使用该目录作为参考.

MyDegreePlan跟踪学生的毕业进度. 也, the College recommends students meet with an Academic Advisor periodically and toward the end of the program for an unofficial graduation check.


Students can make registration changes as needed before classes start. Registering and planning early helps ensure students have time to make changes if needed. 如果学生计划更改注册或学习计划, 他们应该联系学术顾问寻求帮助. Student should also refer to the important financial aid dates listed for each term or payment period.


The financial aid office may need to reevaluate the financial aid eligibility, depending what the change was and when the schedule change occurs. Students should contact an Academic Advisor prior to making any schedule changes. Schedule changes could affect the eligibility potentially resulting in the student owing a balance.


Students who receive an approved course substitution by an advisor prior to the start of a term or prior to the Pell Recalculation Date (PRD) of the current term shall have their substituted course counted in their program of study and Title IV eligibility recalculated if required for that term.  If a course is retroactively granted a substitution approval by an advisor it will not be counted for Title IV eligibility for prior terms or prior aid years.  

Can a student register for courses that are not required for the chosen degree?

是的,学生可以注册非必修星际官方赌钱. 然而, that course will not count toward the student’s financial aid enrollment status.


Changing your program may affect your financial aid eligibility. 也, there are deadlines to when students can change their program. 你会发现更多的细节,包括截止日期 改变你的学习计划 网页.


If a student enrolls in 12 credit hours but only 9 credit hours apply to the program of study or are financial aid eligible, 财政资助将只覆盖9个学分. 金融援助 will determine the student’s Pell Grant eligibility using the enrollment status of ¾ time.

If a student enrolls in 6 credit hours but only 3 credit hours apply to the program of study, 该学生将没有资格获得学生贷款. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 financial aid eligible credits to receive a Direct loan.

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