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一个更好的2024-2025年FAFSA表格现在可用. 适用于今天! Questions? 联系 财政援助和奖学金办公室
A student smiles while walking through school halls on his phone


Want 了解更多 about budgeting your money and assessing your financial needs? The 金融援助 Office has various tools to help you learn about financial wellness and planning while you pursue your education. 



皮马社区学院 is committed to keeping you updated with changes to the student loan program.
6月30日 United States Supreme Court ruled against the Biden-Harris Student Debt 救助计划. 借款人预计将从9月1日开始计息, 2023年,首批付款将于2023年10月到期. Assistance is available for borrowers through the partnership with 学生联系


Make sure you’re getting the latest information and updates as details are announced:

  1. 在你的个人资料中更新你的联系信息 贷款服务机构的网站等
  2. Sign up to be notified when the process has officially opened at the 教育部订阅页面.
  3. 确保你知道你欠了什么. 回顾你的财政援助历史和贷款细节
  4. 注意增加的 scam 试图占借款人的便宜. 请记住,你不必为申请或收到而付费 联邦学生援助的救济工作.


As the government rolls out its one-time student loan debt relief plan, beware of scammers.

Many students have reported that they have been contacted by companies saying they will help with debt relief, 贷款解除或贷款取消收取费用. Never 为这些服务付费. Make sure that you are dealing with trusted companies or Department of Education partners such as your lender or your servicer.


Tips and resources listed below can prove to be helpful in maintaining your financial wellness and preventing identity theft.

Follow the tips below to reduce your risk of identity theft when applying for 金融援助:

  • Use when filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form; when you exit the FAFSA site, close the browser so cookies from the session will be deleted automatically.
  • Don’t give your FSA ID to anyone, even if that person is helping you fill out the FAFSA form.
  • Review your financial aid offers; keep track of the amounts of financial aid you applied for and the amounts you received.
  • 保留收据和文件(例如), 信贷申请或优惠, checks and bank statements) with personal information in a safe place, 用完了就把它们撕碎.
  • Beware of student loan repayment scams that request up front costs or fees.
  • Never give personal information over the phone or internet unless you made the contact. 如果你对你的经济援助有疑问, ask your college or contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center at (电子邮件保护) or 1800 - 4 -美联储援助(1-800-433-3243).
  • Immediately report all lost or stolen identification to the issuer (e.g., the credit card company or your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles) and to the police, 如果合适的话.
  • Watch the 理财知识(金钱事务)网络录音: 身份盗窃和网络安全

If you suspect that your personal information has been stolen, act quickly. 联系 credit reporting agencies and “freeze” your account so nobody else can open new credit accounts in your name. You will find tips and credit agency contact information at the 联邦贸易委员会’s website listed below.

These federal websites offer information on reporting and repairing identity theft:

If you suspect that your personal information has been stolen to file fraudulent federal income tax returns please report it to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at: /身份-theft-central

亚利桑那州司法部长 身份盗窃 page tips:

  • File an 身份盗窃 Report with the 联邦贸易委员会 to obtain an 身份盗窃 Affidavit.
  • File a report with your local county or city law enforcement agency. You do not need to know the name of the person who used your identity. You can show the police the information you have such as debt collection letters or other indications that you are the victim of this crime.
  • Notify all three credit reporting agencies and every debt collector that has contacted you.

你也可以浏览 了解更多.

三家全国性征信机构有一个集中的网站, 免费电话号码, and mailing address so you can order your free annual report in one place. 不单独联系三个全国征信机构吗. 这些是订购免费信用报告的唯一方法:

P.O. Box 105281
亚特兰大,GA 30348-5281

〇只有一个网站 — is authorized to fill orders for the free annual credit report you are entitled to under law.


Federal law gives you the right to get a free copy of your credit report every 12 months. 到2023年12月,在美国的每个人.S. can get a free credit report each week from all three nationwide credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, 和TransUnion)

而且,在美国的每个人.S. can get six free credit reports per year through 2026 by visiting the Equifax网站 或者通过呼叫 1-866-349-5191. That’s in addition to the one free Equifax report (plus your Experian and TransUnion reports) you can get at



  • 你会收到通知说你的贷款申请, employment, insurance, or other benefit has been denied or another unfavorable action has been taken against you, 根据你信用报告中的信息. 这就是所谓的不利诉讼通知. You must ask for your report within 60 days of getting the notice. 通知会告诉你名字的, address, 还有信用局的电话号码, 你可以向他们索要免费报告
  • 你失业了,打算在60天内找工作
  • 你在接受公共救助
  • your report is inaccurate because of identity theft or another fraud
  • 你的信用档案里有欺诈警报
If you fall into one of these categories, contact a credit bureau by using the 信用局星际官方赌钱 below.

"学生联系" logo that reads "学生联系" in black font over a white background. 文本周围有一个黄色的圆形标志.

皮马社区学院与 学生联系 to bring you more resources to build skills in using financial resources wisely. Download a flier with information to access free help with your student loan repayment here.

You also have the opportunity to speak with an advisor one-on-one for FREE.


WhichWay logo that has "WhichWay" in grey letters over a white background and a green and blue circle logo.

一种新的财务意识工具——the WhichWay平台 - is here!



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