A better 2024-2025 FAFSA form is now available. 适用于今天! 问题? 联系 Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金
A student smiles while walking through school halls on his phone



联邦法规要求学生达到基本的学业进步标准才能获得联邦财政援助. This is known as 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP). These standards are different from 皮马社区学院's 学术要求财务援助SAP政策可能会将某些星际官方赌钱从完成速度公式中排除,例如ESL或补救星际官方赌钱. 另外, certain repeated courses can be counted as completed only once, even if you received passing grades more than once. 

Become familiar with PCC’s Satisfactory Academic Policy. Additional information on SAP policies is in the 学生资助手册

For Credit 项目, a student must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) - Qualitative Standard 
    • 平均绩点2.必须保持0或更高. The GPA calculation includes all remedial and college level coursework.
  • Completion Rate - Quantitative Standard  
    • 所有尝试大学水平星际官方赌钱(100级或更高)的完成率67%(“尝试”学分是指您注册的每小时, 包括重复星际官方赌钱, including failing or incomplete grades or withdrawals). 
  • 最大的时间
    • 在你宣布的学习计划总学分要求的150%内完成你的学位. 例如,60学分的副学士学位必须在90学分内完成. The timeframe includes only college level coursework. 

PCC offers credit hour, and non-standard term classes. The SAP policy for each program is slightly different.

满意的学业进展通常在每个付款期(学期)结束时确定。. Coursework completed at 皮马社区学院, as well as outside transcripts applied to the student's record, are included when determining a student's satisfactory academic progress, even if the student did not receive financial aid in the past.
  • 在学期评分期结束后的每个学期结束时,接受任何类型的第四章经济援助的学生都会进行SAP评估,即使您的星际官方赌钱提前结束或您提前停止出勤.

  • 转学生和休学后返回学院的学生在入学(或重新入学)时接受评估。, whether or not that point in time is at the end of a semester. SAP status does not reset after any period of time, 因此, your SAP status after a hiatus will likely be the same as when your hiatus began.

  • 财政援助申请人(在收到他们的FAFSA后)和学术地位不令人满意的接受者, will be notified via email to their Pima student email account.

  • 如果发生了成绩变化或学生改变了他们的星际官方赌钱,SAP必须重新计算.

  • 在学期中期转入和评估衔接的星际官方赌钱将不会在SAP下进行评估,直到下一个正式的SAP评估,这可能会在学期末发生.

金融援助 Good Standing Status

信誉良好的学生是指满足了令人满意的学业进步政策的所有要求,并将继续有资格获得联邦和州财政援助赠款和贷款的学生, as long as all other financial aid requirements are met.


警告状态是指学生没有达到学业进步的所有要求.   您将继续获得经济援助,但如果您不提高学习成绩以达到累积要求,您将面临失去资格的巨大风险. A warning status only lasts for one semester. 为了保持资格,必须在警告学期结束时满足累积SAP要求.

If you do not meet cumulative requirements by the official SAP evaluation period, 你获得联邦助学金的资格将被暂停,你必须自付学费. Please see below for SAP appeal information. 



  • 休学状态意味着你没有资格获得任何联邦和州财政援助基金. This means you are no longer eligible for federal grants, loans and Work Study
  • 在即将到来的学期中获得的任何资金将被取消,预期的援助将从您的学生账户中撤销.
  • 如果您不作出其他付款安排,已注册的星际官方赌钱将有被取消的风险.

* You must read the content on every section of this page before submitting your appeal *

有时候,有些情况超出了您的控制范围,会影响您满足SAP标准的能力. If this occurs, you will have the right to an appeal. 在上诉中, you must provide a detailed account, 按时间顺序排列, of the circumstances that impeded you from achieving good academic standing. You will be required to address adverse grades (D's, F's and I's) or withdrawals in your complete academic history, 不管那是多久以前的事了.

Examples of extenuating circumstances include:

  • 疾病或重大伤害
  • Death of immediate family members
  • 离婚或分居
  • 学生、学生配偶或学生家长因现役或预备役调动
  • Natural disaster affecting the students, student’s spouse or student’s parents
  • 其他不寻常的破坏性事件

Submitting an appeal is a request and it will be reviewed by the PCC financial aid SAP appeals committee or financial aid department designee; it 不保证 an approval, financial aid eligibility or reinstatement.  因此, 重要的是,你要知道这些指导方针,并提供一个详细的说明你的情况.


  • 文档必须支持您不符合SAP标准的情况或原因. Documentation includes letters from health professionals, 警方报告, 法律或政府文件.
  • You must describe what has changed to allow you to regain good academic standing.
  • 你必须和你的项目顾问预约,制定一个重返正轨的计划.
  • Include your name and student number on all documents.
  • DEADLINES, by 5:00pm on these semester dates: 
    • 2023年秋季- 2023年11月14日
    • 2024年春季——2024年4月19日
    • 2024年夏季- 2024年7月9日


根据其他经济援助要求,许多学生可以通过他们的学校填写表格 financial aid verification portal. If you do not have access, please contact (电子邮件保护).  All appeal documentation must be submitted through your portal.

记住你必须 和你的项目顾问见面 在提交上诉之前. To make an appointment with your Program Advisor go to:

MyPima > Students > 星际官方赌钱 > Go to Pima Connect > My Success Network and find the contact information for your Program Advisor or 使用此链接.

您的上诉结果将通过PCC的电子邮件帐户和/或短信通知您. 该决定为最终决定,不得向任何上级机构上诉,包括学院校长或教育部. 

While waiting for your appeal decision, make student account balance 付款安排 to secure your enrollment by the payment deadline.



Students who have their appeal approved will be placed on 经济援助缓刑状况. 如果你处于试用期:

  • 你必须在每学期通过100%的尝试星际官方赌钱,直到你达到累积良好的成绩 
  • 你的学期平均成绩必须达到2分.0或者更好,或者
  • You must meet the cumulative SAP standards that lead to a “Good” standing
  • You also must meet all academic standards during your probationary semester

If you do not meet the requirements, 以上, during your probationary semester, you will be placed back on financial aid suspension and lose financial aid eligibility. Any subsequent appeal must be based on new or worsened circumstances. Chronic, or ongoing circumstances may not be approved in subsequent appeals.


Not all circumstances are approvable, each appeal is reviewed on an individual basis. 因此, your appeal must be thorough and complete. 如果你的上诉被驳回, 不能仅仅因为你不同意原来的决定就提出新的上诉. 决定为最终决定,不得向学院校长或联邦教育部提出上诉.

只有当你遗漏了首次提交时未包含的可减轻罪责的情况和/或证明文件的信息时,你才可以要求重新审理你的上诉. 由他们自行决定, 财政援助和奖学金办公室将打开你的呼吁,以额外提交一份申请 一次性例外. A re-opening and re-submission 不保证 an approval. 提交额外文件的最后期限通常是在重新开业后的两周内.

接触,所谓 请求一次重新开放.


选择不上诉或上诉被拒绝的学生可能能够重新建立经济援助资格. 学生必须:

  • Continue to enroll for courses at the College at your own expense
  • Meet all cumulative SAP requirements

NOTE: This may require more than one semester depending on individual situations. 在很多情况下, 由于违反SAP的严重程度,无论随后完成多少星际官方赌钱,学生都可能无法重新获得良好的成绩.

Military and Veterans Benefits and Special 项目

If you are a veteran and receiving VA benefits, please contact the 军人和退伍军人办公室, or if your program of study has specific requirements, please contact your program/academic advisor.

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